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After several swings of Adriana's sword passed through Kaya's unharmed body, the ghost assassin retaliated with an elbow to the jaw. Freyalise era una mezzelfa planeswalker che usava il mana verde e rosso. Kaya survived the battle and was present during the Planewide Celebration that followed. Teyo used his shield magic to transport the Veil and delivered it as proof of Liliana's death. She doesn't miss Janah, but she misses the feeling. (Unbeknownst to Kaya, Bilagru had been persuaded to help her by Orzhov representative Tomik Vrona.) MTG Lore is a Magic: The Gathering story compendium site, providing organized resources for new and existing fans. 13 cards with Mark Tedin's artwork are currently banned across various formats, placing him at #1, far ahead of Rob Alexander and Volkan Baga (9 each). She believes all beings deserve fairness, regardless of stature, and took her Gatewatch oath on that belief. She was worshipped as a goddess, particularly by the elves of Terisiare. The process, however, tends to cause extreme nausea for Kaya and her passenger upon separating at their arrival point.[1]. [1], Kaya's homeplane is Tolvada. Liliana then used the Chain Veil to subdue Zahid whose only request was to take Liliana Vess as his prisoner. While Rat went off to learn more about the mansion and its inhabitants, Teyo attempted to remove the gold collar from Liliana's neck which jolted her back to her senses. 3 g g Legendary Creature - Elf Druid. Liliana regained consciousness and agreed to let Kaya kill her in exchange for defeating her imposter and freeing her people. [1. [14] On the other hand, she also heightened the tithes on the population to compensate for the economic losses caused by forgiving so many debts, raising them from 10% of people's incomes to 40%. [1] Kaya usually wears a thief's leathers and a pair of long daggers on her wrists. 'Additional story contributions' credit for Monique Jones, 6 Questions You Might Have About Magic: The Gathering's Kaya, Ghost Assassin Answered, The End of an Era. Kaya, Teyo, and Araithia were sent to persuade the guilds that still remained neutral (Selesnya, Gruul, Golgari, and Rakdos) to join the fight against Bolas. She can use her transformation magic to polymorph organic beings. She turned the tables, had Teysa arrested and offered the hierarchs a deal. En prototyp till Kajsa dök upp i den tecknade kortfilmen Don Donald som hade premiär i USA 9 januari 1937. 2019 Holiday Exchange! Alongside many other planeswalkers and Ravnicans, Kaya fought against Bolas' forces. With Tomik now the acting guildmaster, Kaya was free to planeswalk away for short periods, and so Kaya and her entourage along with Jaya Ballard set out on their quest. [3] As an exception to the rule that planeswalkers can't bring organic materials across the Blind Eternities, Kaya is able to safely transport one creature or person, by ghosting into her spirit form and simultaneously extending her necro-magic to include her passenger, much like she does with her clothes or daggers. Despite Ral and Kaya's suspicion of the gorgon, Vraska pledged the Golgari to the fight against Bolas. Liliana was found outside the House of Vess working in a nearby garden and in a trance. The TCGPlayer Price Guide tool shows you the value of a card based on the most reliable pricing information available. 10/1/2008 Kaysa’s ability affects itself. Liliana fought against Kaya and Teyo but was knocked unconscious by Rat. The Elder Druid Kolbjorn discovered that Kaysa had the crescent Mark of the Elder Druid and took her in to raise her as his child with his partner Disa. Harsh storms of winter and the horrors of war had left him pale and gaunt, his hair thinning and his cheeks hollow. Kaya is centered in both black and white mana. After the conflict, Liliana answered Kaya's questions and was allowed to live, although proof of a kill would be needed. [12] Bolas hired her to kill the Obzedat and become guildmaster of Orzhov in exchange for him helping her "troubled family". 10/1/2008 Kaysa’s ability affects itself. 提供:MTG Wiki 移動: 案内 , 検索 " Forever Silent The World "(『世界にとこしえの静寂を』)は、 アメコミ版アイスエイジ のvol.4(最終話)である。 Can I get some birthday trivia lore wise on Kaya? Green creatures you control get +1/+1. Green creatures you control get +1/+1. Card Rulings. Freyalise was a planeswalker who specialized in nature magic. To maintain your confidence in the Magic game as a collectible, we've created this Magic: The Gathering card reprint policy. Is there any trivia you can give us about Kaya's presence on Ravnica? このページの最終更新は 2013年7月6日 (土) 23:50 に行われました。 このページは8,161回アクセスされました。 プライバシー・ポリシー MTG Wikiについて 免責事項 View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Kai'Sa Daughter of the Void. Thus, Mark Tedin is the most powerful MTG … Realizing Zahid was referring to the imposter, Liliana agreed, but Kaya killed the mistress out of mercy. Afterward, Jaya guided them to Caligo on Dominaria in search of Liliana but soon left after refusing to go further. When she does this, it leads to a merger of body and personality. [6] Her next job came through a contract from Marchesa to assassinate the ghostly King Brago. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. Card Rulings. But she knew that such an act would destroy the Orzhov, and feared that the delicate balancing act that was Ravnica would topple with it. -Kaysa, Elder Druid of the Juniper Order: Converted Mana Cost: Block: Alliances: Rarity: Common: Card #: 84/199: Artist: Lawrence Snelly the Ghost-Assassin, is a Planeswalker with a growing reputation as an accomplished ghost hunter. MTG Wiki ここを編集 更新履歴 取得中です。 ここを編集 ゴリラの酋長/Gorilla Chieftain "In the soil of leadership sprout the seeds of immortality." Kasmina has long honey-blonde hair, a blue-white hooded cloak, and a long crook-staff. [1], Kaya is a dark-skinned, young woman with dark, frizzy hair. Rare Board Games, mtg, Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, rpg, Role Playing Games, Dungeons and Dragons, and many more games and supplies for sale. the Ghost-Assassin, is a Planeswalker with a growing reputation as an accomplished ghost hunter. [8], She tried to rally the Orzhov Syndicate against Bolas, and she met with the Syndicate's ruling triumvirate, consisting of the human pontiff Armin Morov, the vampire tithe-master Slavomir Zoltan, and the angel warrior-executioner Maladola. Green creatures you control get +1/+1. Rebecca Guay Rebecca Guay(レベッカ・ゲイ)はマジックのカードの女性イラストレーターの1人。マサチューセッツ(Massachusetts)北部に生まれる。 (年齢はDuelist誌16号(1997年4月号)において26歳と紹介されている より正確な情報を求めています) [9][13] In addition, she discovered that Bolas has maneuvered her in this position, and that she now had to do his bidding in return for aid to her broken home plane, as originally agreed, but also for extrication from her current predicament. Kaya, a.k.a. MTG界にとっては不必要なヤツ 非公式スポイラーをメインに MTG関連の情報を日本語で発信する 日本人のためのMTGサイト でも海外の記事を和訳するほどの 英語力は無い。 ケイヤ/Kayaはコンスピラシー:王位争奪のキャラクター。カードとしてはコンスピラシー:王位争奪の幽霊暗殺者、ケイヤ/Kaya, Ghost Assassinが初出。, 幽霊殺しを生業とするプレインズウォーカー/Planeswalker。女性。縮れ毛の黒髪に浅黒い肌を有し、ロンデル・ダガーを得物とする(イラスト1、イラスト2)。, 自らの肉体の一部を、武器や衣服ごと非物質に変える能力を持つ。紫色の朧な光を発する非物質化した身体は、壁などの物体を通り抜けられるようになり、同時に幽霊に対して物理的に干渉できるようになる。これは死者の領域に踏み込む危険な行為であり、あまり長時間行うことはできない。また生者の領域に自らを繋ぎ止める「錨」を確保するため、全身を同時に非物質化することも避けている。, ケイヤは様々な次元/Planeで幽霊を殺してきたが、幽霊や生死に対する考え方は文化によって様々であり、ある地では祝福の声を浴びる一方で、ある地では追放の憂き目に遭ってきた。彼女自身の信条は、「生は生者のためにある」というものである。生者は自分の人生をしっかりと生き、残された時間のあるうちに欲しいものを追い求め、死の前には安らぎを見出すべきだ。死後も未練の残ることがあるのなら、それは大抵の場合本人の責任であり、幽霊となって今を生きる他者に迷惑をかけることは許されない、そう彼女は考えている。しかしながら彼女は幽霊に対しても一定の敬意を払っており、除霊の際にはまず言葉による説得を試みる――もっとも、それで解決に至ったことは一度もないのだが。, その過去は謎に包まれている。実は高貴な家柄の出身だが、故郷の次元を離れた今となっては、彼女がわざわざそれを口にすることもない。, フィオーラ/Fioraの酒場にて、ケイヤは貴族エミリオ・レヴァリー/Emilio Revariから除霊の依頼を受けた。レヴァリーは母から相続した屋敷に幽霊が出没するようになったと説明したが、彼女は遠回しに指摘した――その幽霊とは死んだ母親なのではないかと。レヴァリーは彼女の詮索を嫌ったが、ケイヤは除霊のためには幽霊の事情を知る必要があると言い張った。彼女は母親がその屋敷を頑なに息子に譲ろうとしなかったこと、幽霊が東棟の2階に出没することを聞き出し、屋敷の図面と報酬の半分を受け取った。, 翌日の夕方、ケイヤは出発前に宿屋の女主人から手紙を渡された。その手紙には文字はなく、黒薔薇の印だけがあった。昨年から準備を進めていた大口の依頼がとうとう実を結ぶことを知り、彼女の胸は高鳴った。, 日が暮れた頃、ケイヤは屋敷に到着した。聞いていた通り、東棟の2階で老女の幽霊が姿を現した。ケイヤは壁抜けの技を駆使して幽霊と戦ったが、図面ではただの寝室だったはずの部屋に床がなかったことで危うく転落しかけた。彼女は幽霊のショールに掴まって喫茶室らしき部屋に飛び込み、そこで真実に気がついた。私室でもない場所に執着する幽霊、先程の床のない部屋で見た1階と2階の間にある空間、そしてこの部屋の隅の瓦礫の山――ケイヤが瓦礫を除け、ダガーで床板をこじ開けると、そこには幽霊と同じ顔の老女の死体があった。, 真夜中、ケイヤの報告を受けたレヴァリーは彼女とともに屋敷を訪れた。レヴァリーは彼女が床下の秘密を暴いたことに気づき怒り狂ったが、そこに老女の幽霊が現れた――実の息子に殺された母親の幽霊が。助けてくれ、契約したはずだと叫ぶレヴァリーに対し、ケイヤは契約の不履行により残りの報酬は不要であるとにべもなく告げた。彼女はレヴァリーの突進を非物質化でかわすと、閉じた扉を通り抜け、哀れな男の悲鳴を後に屋敷を去った。, ケイヤは死後も幽霊となってパリアノ/Palianoを統治し続けている王、ブレイゴ/Bragoの城に侵入した。異変を察知して駆けつけた護衛隊長アドリアナ/Adrianaが見たのは、暗殺者が如何にしてか、ブレイゴの首筋にダガーを深々と突き刺している光景だった。アドリアナの目の前で、ブレイゴの霊体は傷口から広がるように壊死し、消失していった。数秒のうちに、王の姿は完全に消え去った。, ケイヤは怒りに燃えるアドリアナの剣撃と唾棄を、笑みを浮かべながら非物質化でかわした。暗殺対象はブレイゴ一人であり、無益な殺生をするつもりはなかった。この男は圧政者だった、圧政者が死ねば自由を手にする機会が生まれると言い残すと、ケイヤは床を抜けて城を後にした。彼女の雇い主であるマルチェッサ/Marchesaがパリアノの女王に即位したのは、その翌日のことだった。, War of the Spark: Ravnica—Old Friends and New, War of the Spark: Ravnica – The Path to Opulent, War of the Spark: Ravnica – Rallying the Reluctant, War of the Spark: Ravnica—Desperate Operatives, War of the Spark: Ravnica—Operation Desperation,, このページの最終更新は 2020年6月19日 (金) 22:15 に行われました。. Kaya as Guildmaster releases souls from their contracts with the Orzhov. A New and Exciting Beginning The End of an Era Home Cards Creature Kaysa Kaysa Oracle Text Green creatures you control get +1/+1. The Magic trading card game has tremendous appeal as both a game and a collectible. ・mtgに関係あればどんな質問でもok ・明確に答えられない質問でもok ・質問は残さず全部答える ・一度は自分で調べてから transforming an enemy into a helpless creature like a frog.She can also take direct mental control of other people's actions, effectively possessing them. Once the Beacon was active, Bolas brought the Immortal Sun to Ravnica, trapping the planeswalkers there. Once all ten guilds were on board, Nissa performed a ritual at the ruins of the Guildpact Chamber: with the help of a representative from each guild, she was able to repair the leylines that empowered the Living Guildpact (which had been disrupted when Bolas destroyed the Guildpact Chamber by opening his portal there). Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. Kaya, a.k.a. Looking back, Kaya suspects that the troubles on her homeworld have been created by Nicol Bolas himself. It just happens to be convenient when her personal and financial ambitions align. [16] Afterwards, she helped Ral Zarek engage the Golgari, to conquer a location that was needed for his manipulation of the Implicit Maze. With the help of Tomik Vrona, who thought that Teysa was making a mistake, Kaya discovered that all the hierarchs owned debts to the true heir of Patriarch Karlov. As a young druid, she helped Freyalise cast the World Spell to end the Ice Age. [4][7] Promised the support of Teysa, Kaya worked with Ral Zarek, Hekara and Vraska in an attack on Orzhova. This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 22:13. [17], Free of internal guild struggles, Kaya lead an army gargoyles to attack Dovin Baan's thopters, and to help Ral Zarek to enter the Beacon Tower in order to activate the Interplanar Beacon.[18][19]. Kaya acts as though she is driven by a desire for money,[4] but often her sense of justice is greater than her desire for personal gain. Toutes les cartes de Magic : l'assemblee, vente, echange, forums, decks, combos Kaya was created with the Bolas storyline in mind. At Jace's recommendation, they decided to split up into teams to focus on specific tasks. A New and Exciting Beginning The End of an Era Home Decks Commander Kaysa's Beast Tribal Kaysa's Beast Tribal By Kent … [14] During the attack, she was almost killed by one her own priests who called her a traitor. Despite Teysa warning against it, Kaya freed many people from the debts they owed the guild, particularly the bound ghosts. It explains why we reprint cards and lists which cards from past Magicsets will never be reprinted.. Why We Reprint Cards.
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