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Gonorrhea and uncomplicated gonococcal infection in sexually transmitted diseases. have sex with men, have increased awareness of the high frequency of oropharyngeal [41], Neisseria gonorrhoeae is named for Albert Neisser, who isolated it as the causative agent of the disease gonorrhea in 1878. During sexual intercourse, gonorrhoea is more likely to be transmitted from men to women than from women to men. [6][42] It is important that if symptoms persist after receiving treatment of N. gonorrhoeae infection, a reevaluation should be pursued. [36] Kissing has also been implicated as a theoretical means of transmission in the gay male population, based on a newer study. Pelvic inflammatory disease results if N. gonorrhoeae ascends into the pelvic peritoneum (via the cervix, endometrium, and fallopian tubes). In 2011, researchers at Northwestern University found evidence of a human DNA fragment in a Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome, the first example of horizontal gene transfer from humans to a bacterial pathogen. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (often called gonococcus) causes gonorrhoea, the second most common sexually transmitted disease (STDs) of worldwide importance (Chlamydial infections are more common). However, there are insufficient data to determine the mechanisms of transmission [32] Pelvic inflammatory disease develops in 10 to 20% of the females infected with N. Transmission. Gonorrhea, colloquially known as the clap, is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. At least 12 Opa proteins are known and the many permutations of surface proteins make recognizing N. gonorrhoeae and mounting a defense by immune cells more difficult. One researcher, Ricord, took the initiative to perform 667 inoculations of gonorrheal pus on patients of a mental hospital, with zero cases of syphilis. Lab tests found it to be resistant to high concentrations of ceftriaxone, as well as most of the other antibiotics tested. for these infections. [32] It is important to note that depending on the route of transmission, N. gonorrhoeae may cause infection of the throat (pharyngitis) or infection of the anus/rectum (proctitis). RM Neisseria naturally transmitted from one animal to another were able to colonize areas high in the nasal cavity, such as ethmoid turbinates, maxilloturbinates, the nasal meatus, and the epithelium covering the cribriform plate. [49][21] One such 18th-century researcher, John Hunter, tried to settle the debate in 1767[21] by inoculating a man with pus taken from a patient with gonorrhea. CHARACTERISTICS:Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to the genusNeisseria within the family Neisseriaceae Footnote 2. Neisseria gonorrhoeae| 63 N eisseria gonorrhoeae, also commonly referred to as “gonococcus” or “GC”, causes an estimated 62 million cases of gonorrhea worldwide each year [Gerbase et al., 1998].Spread by sexual intercourse,N. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 2017. testing, as well as increased screening for extragenital infections among men who [43][6] Sexual partners (defined by the CDC as sexual contact within the past 60 days)[11] should also be notified, tested, and treated. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a significant clinical and public health problem in the United States: Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae have been the two leading pathogens implicated in sexually transmitted PID [1]. The estimated coding density over the entire genome is 87%, and the average G+C content is 52.4%, values that are similar to those of strain FA1090. Given the high rate of asymptomatic infection, all pregnant women should be tested for gonorrhea infection. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by infection with the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium. [39] The bacterium relies on type IV pili that attach and retract, pulling N. gonorrhoeae toward the epithelial membrane where its surface proteins, such as opacity proteins, can interact directly. [41] As a whole, these mechanisms are referred to as serum resistance. [4], N. gonorrhoeae evades the immune system through a process called antigenic variation. If an uninfected woman haves sex with an infected man, her chance of getting the disease is estimated as 60-80%. NAME: Neisseria gonorrhoeae SYNONYM OR CROSS REFERENCE: Gonococci, Gonorrhea Footnote 1. To better understand the risk of transmitting these agents between sex contacts, we examined the infection rates of C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae in women who had been the sex contacts of men with chlamydial and/or gonococcal urethritis. Nell'uomo, N. gonorrhoeae entra attraverso l'epitelio stratificato colonnare dell'uretra anteriore, raggiungendo il connettivo subepiteliale.
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