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sulfur dioxide health effects

1963, Pirila 1954), there is inadequate evidence to support this hypothesis. Power Generation: Conservation, Health, and Fuel Supply. Cassell, E.J., M.D.Lebowitz, I.M.Mountain, H.T.Lee, D.J.Thompson, D.W.Wolter, and J.R.McCarroll (1969). In vitro studies have indicated that sulfur dioxide can react with the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) cytosine, a component of chromosomes, which carry genetic information. Among families that had resided in the same area for 3 years or longer, there was a 48 percent increase in the risk of lower respiratory infection in the nursery-school children in the Highest category, compared with those in the Intermediate category. Finklea, J.F., J.G.French, G.R.Lowrimore, J.Goldberg, C.M.Shy, and W.C.Nelson (1974). Salt Lake Basin communities, 1967–1970, pp. the independent variables, they calculated multiple and partial correlation coefficients that demonstrated that, when temperature was held constant, there was a positive correlation between asthma visits and sulfur dioxide in Brooklyn, but not in Harlem. Control Assoc. The study was performed from October 1970 to May 1971; that is a colder time of year than in the Salt Lake area and would miss part of the high-pollen season. Loudon, R.G., L.C.Brown, and S.K.Hurst (1965). Cigarette-smoking is undoubtedly the major factor in causation of disease, so it would be useful to compare its effects with those of air pollution. Graphic portrayal shows a tendency toward a stepwise progression in mortality with increasing sulfur dioxide concentration and gives the impression that there is no appreciable threshold for this effect. The format of the studies and the pollution concentrations of the various communities have already been described in some detail above. 2:557–570. Verma, M.P., F.J.Schilling, and W.H.Becker (1969) Epidemiological study of illness absences in relation to air pollution. One problem with the study is that mean annual sulfate concentrations were based on only 21–25 determinations in four of the five areas for which these data are available. The possibility of adapation to short-term effects of sulfur dioxide has been suggested in animal and human controlled exposure experiments, and relatively long-term adaption appears to occur in occupationally exposed people. Occup. Fitting of threshold functions resulted in an estimate for suspended sulfates of 12 ug/m3 when minimum daily temperature was 30–50 F and 7.3 ug/m3 for minimal temperature of less than 30 F. The threshold for total suspended particles was estimated at 56 ug/m3 when minimum daily temperature was 30–50 F; it was further calculated that, at 260 ug/m3, the 24-hr standard, there would be a 22 percent increase in asthma attack rate. (3) Adaption to the effects of sulfur dioxide or other pollutants occurs, whereby initial peaks early in the home heating season result in more of an acute effect than do similar or higher peaks later in the winter. Excess mortality due to air pollution was calculated for average monthly increases in particles and sulfur dioxide, but the definition of the pollutant units is not clear. More pertinent to current considerations of air pollution control strategy is the question of whether daily variations in pollution concentrations at or somewhat above current U.S. air quality standards have any short-term effect on mortality. The positive findings may be due in part to social-class differences, which could not be evaluated. Sulfur dioxide causes a range of harmful effects on the lungs, as the EPA's most recent review of the science concluded: Wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness and other problems, especially during exercise or physical activity. Gig. Pollut. Arch. The data were not explainable on the basis of socioeconomic factors, and there were too few men with significant chronic respiratory disease to suggest that selective migration was a factor. Health 15:291–297. Those working in the more rural areas around London had lower bronchitis absence rates than those within London. A series of studies performed by Ferris and his colleagues (Ferris and Anderson 1962) have evaluated respiratory disease prevalence in Berlin, New Hampshire, at different times and in comparison with another small city, Chilliwack. The authors suggest that the air pollution effect is at least partially independent of the socioeconomic-class effect. The effect of SO2 on lung clearance of TiO2 particles in rats. J. Slight changes consistent with an urban effect were observed, but these were minor, compared with the effect of a past or present history of working in coal mines. J. A 10 percent increase in asthma attack rate was also noted. 42:1045–1052. The article also notes that sulfur dioxide contamination in the air stems from various human activities including copper smelting and the burning of coal and oil. However, the mean 24-hr total suspended particles were 180 ug/m3 or, as indicated by the authors, perhaps somewhat higher. Aside from being an air pollutant, sulfur dioxide is also a fire hazard. Furthermore, the sulfur dioxide concentration (by lead peroxide candle, 0.96 mg of sulfur trioxide per 100 cm2 per day in 1971) was much higher than that recorded in Berlin, New Hampshire, although there is an unexplained decrease to 0.36 mg/100 cm2 per day in 1972. Clinically, asthma has often been, divided into extrinsic and intrinsic types. J. A smaller, nonsignificant increase in asthma rate was also found (2.2 percent vs. 1.7 percent). Stocks (1959) noted an association of bronchitis mortality with air pollution for 1950–1953 in the county boroughs of England and Wales after adjustment for the effects of population density. McCarroll, J., E.J.Cassell, D.W.Wolter, J.D.Mountain, J.R.Diamond, and I.M.Mountain (1967) Health and the urban environment. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema: Classification and epidemiology. Animals were exposed to graphite dust at 1,000 ug/m3 or to graphite dust and sulfur dioxide at 1 ppm for 12 hr/day for 4 months and compared with nonexposed controls. Pirila, V., H.Kajanne, and O.P.Salo (1963) Inhalation of sulfur dioxide as a cause of skin reaction resembling drug eruption. In general, longstanding chronic bronchitis leads to emphysema, although emphysema is occasionally observed in the absence of bronchial hypersecretion. A mean symptom score was calculated by assigning one, two, or three points to the subject’s daily description of whether he felt better, the same, or worse. Colley, J.R.T., J.W.B.Douglas, and D.D.Reid (1973). It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. The analysis is restricted to the effects of sulfur oxides that appear to be reasonably justified on the basis of the foregoing review and is related to estimated health effects within a reasonable range of present pollution conditions. EPA-650/1–74–004, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. These findings were uncorrected for temperature. A Preliminary Report. The sulfur dioxide data were tabulated as mean weekly sulfur dioxide concentrations of less than 0.1, 0.1–0.15, and more than 0.15 ppm. Rao, M., P.Steiner, Q.Qazi, R.Padre, J.E.Allen, and M.Steiner (1973) Relationship of air pollution to attack rate of asthma in children. Dr. Bernardino Corradi, the commissioner of ordnance in the Duchy of Este, defended the manufacturer, while Dr. Casina Stabe, then the town-physician, spoke for the plaintiff. Health 14:178–184. Acute bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract tend to have more serious implications, particularly because they may leave residual damage, which acts as a focus for recurrent disease. Their major objections to the higher figures are that these are based on overestimates of the contribution of air pollution to urban respiratory disease and that there has been a misinterpretation of the Lave and Seskin data to which the additional costs have been added. Meteorologic factors had relatively small and insignificant effects on illness rates. Unfortunately, the analysis of the data was complicated by distinct differences in socioeconomic status and parental smoking, which varied with air pollution. Spicer and Kerr (1966) evaluated selected groups of patients with moderate degrees of obstructive airway disease who lived near an air monitoring station in Baltimore. Patients with allergic asthma are notably difficult to study, in view of their marked variability of response. Asthma and temperature change. Following a review process, the document was revised, and the results were restricted to more limited circumstances with less of an impact (Carnow et al. Sulfur dioxide (SO 2) is a water soluble gas commonly emitted into ambient air by coal fired power plants, refineries, smelters, paper and pulp mills, and food processing plants.As you recall from Chapter 4, SO 2 is part of sulfurous air pollution that has plagued human populations for centuries. Another approach to evaluating the effects of pollution on chronic respiratory disease is. Acute respiratory episodes as reactions by sensitive individuals to air pollution and weather. Ind. For bleaching textile fibres. similar pollution episodes. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Sulfur dioxide was. Arch. (1974); there appears to be no change in the finding that 12 percent of deaths are associated with air pollution. Another pertinent point is that, if, in fact, 12 percent of New York City residents had their life expectancy decreased by the short-term effect of pollution in the middle of the last decade, then air pollution was a far more serious public health hazard than most people believed. This improvement in respiratory function, which is consistent with a beneficial effect of air pollution control, is not as great as the observed beneficial effects of cessation of cigarette-smoking in the same study. Environ. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. Zarkower, A. The Agency’s 5-ppm limit for this substance was established in 1971 on the basis of the 1968 ACGIH TLV-TWA. Obviously, as the toxicologic data base is increased, the calculated risk should be changed accordingly. In the former, exogenous allergens are known or suspected; the latter has no obvious cause or is associated with respiratory infections. EPA-650/1–74–004. Respiratory tract infections may also be classified by etiologic agent. Soc. This study tends to support an association of deaths in New York City with daily sulfur dioxide concentrations higher than permitted (U.S. air quality standard, 0.14 ppm). The air monitoring data for Barberton show a peak yearly mean 24-hr concentration of total suspended particles of 109 ug/m3 in 1969, which decreased to 77 ug/m3 in 1973, and peak yearly sulfur dioxide of 1.11 mg/100 cm2 per day. Health vol. This raises the possibility that respirable particles are more of a health hazard than is sulfur dioxide. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. In contrast, those who had lived for longer than their first 28 years in an urban area had a relative decrease in peak expiratory flow rate.

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